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Elliott Grieco

Recurse: W1D2

Recurse center: W1D2

Here are some things we did today during my first on-site day at the Recurse hub!

  1. Learn by commute from UWS down to the Recurse Hub in downtown Brooklyn
  2. Got a tour of the facilities
  3. Socialized and met other folks in the batch over 🥯 ☕️
  4. Did a code pairing workshop -- wrote a Conway's game of life implementation as a pair via React/NextJS with freeman-jiang (source code and deployed web app)
    • Was incredibly intrigued by a novel implementation using typst with PDF outputs as 'steps' in the game of life
  5. Built this blog with this basic static site generation tool 11ty -- thanks Paloma for pointing me in the right direction, there!
    • Also learned some basics of leveraging GH actions for some build/deploy steps (commit -> update blog will keep this sustainable!)
  6. Started some course browsing for getting started to code tomorrow. Considering:

Anyway, this day flew by and I had fun putting out at least a bit of code through the pairing experience! ✌️